About me

Hello and welcome to Relaxing Music Source, where relaxation meets expertise! I’m Michael, and I’m thrilled to have you here.

With 18 years of experience in online education, music, and video production, I’ve embarked on a unique journey that fuses technology and creativity with the art of relaxation. This diverse background has allowed me to explore the digital world while creating soothing content that promotes tranquility and better sleep.

Each week, I devote my time and expertise to developing new relaxation videos and music, all to help you unwind and fall asleep easily. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful escape after a long day or simply looking to enhance your relaxation routine, you’ll find a treasure trove of content here that caters to your needs.

In addition to curating and crafting relaxation content, I’m constantly looking for innovative products that support your relaxation journey. I present these products for your review and consideration as tools and resources to help you achieve ultimate relaxation and tranquility.

I also have another reason to help. You see, my brother suffers from insomnia, a debilitating sleep disorder that can completely disrupt your life. Hopefully, the information and products I present in this blog will not only help him, but you too!

Thank you for joining me on this journey of relaxation and discovery. I’m excited to be your guide in seeking inner calm and better sleep. Together, we’ll explore the art of relaxation and find the perfect harmony between technology and tranquility.

Here’s to enjoying the journey together!

Michael Johnson